Every year for the past 10ish years someone in my family has produced a 'Cute Kids' calendar. In this calendar, the creator uses cute/fun fonts to create the months and to add birthdays, anniversaries, etc. and then in the corresponding picture section for each month, my sisters have provided pictures of their darlings. I believe the calendar began when there were only 2 grandchildren, but now the calendar contains pictures of 14 beautiful children!!!
For the past 4 or 5 years the task has fallen on me to produce the calendar. I actually volunteered and it's not a job I'm likely to give up any time soon! I started working on it this year in July! And, my hard work has paid off...I think this is my greatest calendar creation yet!
Below, you will find a selection of some of my favorite months from the 2011 edition of the Cute Kids Calendar! (you will probably need to zoom in to get the full effect)

I know of no greater crafting pleasure than being able to match a font perfectly with an occasion! A thing of beauty is a joy forever...or at least until the 2012 edition comes out next Christmas!
It's the worst kept secret of the Christmas season. Every year, every member of my and B's families will receive a calendar (that's 16 calendars!). I do a specific one for every member of B's fam, you know, with the appropriate birthdays and all, a specific one for my fam and then a combination for B and I. It's a good deal of work...but I really love the feeling of flipping through the calendar when I'm finished or even better, I love hearing people gush about how great and clever they think the fonts and little clip art selections are (hint, hint!!)
Until next year then...
p.s. don't take anything to Kinko's to be bound. EVER. They'll ruin it. Guaranteed.
You really outdid yourself this year. It's AWESOME!!!!